Indectron specialise in Gaming & Gambling Services throughout this sector

Gaming & Gambling Services

Shield House is built to support your Gaming company as you evolve your services

Gaming & Gambling Sector Focus

IT Gaming & Gambling Service Sectors

Indectron has the solution to deliver high quality data centre technical space for Gaming & Gambling organisations IT Infrastructure deployments with a personalised customer service whilst delivering lower operating costs to the organisation.

gaming & gambling colocation data centre

Gaming & Gambling services online is rapidly expanding on a global scale, and requires more from IT infrastructure previously seen. Key requirements such as high bandwidth, low-latency and close proximity to the end user are prerequisites for the sector.

With more companies within this Gaming & Gambling sector looking for geo-diverse or edge data centre locations Shield House is a perfect choice. With an abundance of Tier I and Tier II network carriers offering low latency direct access to the Internet the Gaming & Gambling companies can ensure that their customers are not disappointed and their data remains secure.

Indectron specialise in Gaming & Gambling Services throughout this sector

Gaming Features

As the global gambling and gaming sectors continue expand, companies operating in these sectors need reliable, integrated, flexible and above all, secure IT services they can trust. Indectron is the perfect partner for businesses in these sectors, as the IT infrastructure we can develop for your business is tailored to your precise needs delivering:

  • High bandwidth coupled with low latency thanks to our colocation and carried neutral services
  • Security is central at Shield House
  • Fast expansion of IT services is possible when this is required
  • Remote support 24/7/365

Could you make more money by moving to colocation

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